First, Saint Nancy Pelosi needs to be called out as a complete heretic. Her touting her supposed Catholic credentials is absurd. Next time she brings it up someone needs to ask her how that squares with her stand on killing unborn children up to the moment of their birth. In case you didn’t know, Vatican officials want her denied the sacraments just like Biden. As an aside, someone with as much money as she has needs to spend some on better dentures so she can get through a statement without sounding like a drunk.

Next, something that you need to understand about Trump participating in the Nadler Star Chamber proceedings. I saw awhile back, and it hasn’t been really covered much, but that under the rules set up by the Dems, in order to do it he would have to waive all executive privilege and let anyone the Dems want to testify in their witch-hunt.

Lastly, something I should have recognized earlier is the real Achilles heal for that self-important trio of bloviating assholes and now Pelosi. Now in my defense I couldn’t watch much of the hearing on Wednesday because it was so bad. However, when Pelosi came out and said that Trump’s actions on the Ukrainian phone call were unprecedented in our history as the ‘experts’ testified it woke me up. The question that should have been put to those assholes, including Pelosi, is please tell me how many of the conversations between FDR, JFK, LBJ, Truman, Eisenhower, the Bushes, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Clinton, and Obama with foreign leaders were you on or have you seen transcripts of? When the inevitable answer was zero, then you slam them for spouting partisan bs for which they have absolutely no basis or knowledge.