Monthly Archives: October 2019


I am sick and tired of hearing everyone talking about the whistleblower complaint or complaints as it appears they have a copier ready to spit out however many bogus complaints they think they need to convince people of a lie.

Now as I have previously stated you are not a whistleblower if you don’t have first hand knowledge of what it is you are talking about. You’re just a gossip, and I have tried several whistleblower cases and filed one on my own behalf which I won.

Okay, now the real reason for this rant. After a few sources and I stated early on that the whistleblower complaint was not legitimate under the statute involved because the statute only applies to complaints by one member of the intelligence community against another member of the intelligence community who is under the DNI. President Trump is not. So quit pretending that this is a valid complaint. It is not and it should be stated in every article or interview pertaining to this nonsense. Push the illegitimacy of this crap continuously and don’t let the left pretend otherwise.

Lastly I have read the President’s letter to Pelosi and it is very well written as you would expect and points out the hypocrisy of Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff. I would recommend everyone read it.


Now that Schiff’s staff has confirmed that they were in touch with the gossip — whistleblower — but claim they had nothing to do with writing the bogus complaint, it’s time for Graham and other Republican Senate committee chairmen to start issuing their subpoenas to Schiff and his staff. I’d like all communications between Schiff and any other Dems with the ‘whistleblower’ before the complaint was filed. I’d also like to see all communications between Dems and the Intelligence Community IG particularly with respect to changing the complaint form to allow hearsay as the basis for a complaint. Also require the IG to explain under what authority he was investigating a hearsay complaint about the President.

Seriously, it’s time to go to war on this nonsense. Think of the embarrassment when Schiff has to stonewall Senate subpoenas! Quit playing nice and recognize reality. You’ve got to take the offensive.

Lastly when this is all over, Trump needs to remove the IG. The complaint was not within his purview and not covered by the statute. After being told so by DOJ and that it did not raise an urgent concern that needed to be reported to Congress, he did it anyway. He is part of this scam and needs to be shown the door.


In Realclearpolitics today, they put up what Rush said on his show yesterday after he stole it from me with a headline making it sound like Rush is a genius.

Below is the text of the email I sent Rush yesterday ten minutes before what you can read in RCP.

Everyone keeps asking why Pelosi didn’t wait for the transcript to be released. The answer is simple. You’re right that this was a well planned attack by Schiff’s folks and some deep state intelligence swamp rat. I believe that their plan was to leak the gossip complaint and control the narrative. They expected Trump to protect the transcript for the good of the country and they could spin their lies while claiming Trump was covering up  
Their plan went to hell when Trump said he was releasing the transcript and it would be before the complaint was released. They knew that if the transcript got out before the complaint they would be hard pressed to initiate a formal inquiry with no quid pro quo.  So Nancy pulled trigger. 

Sent from my iPhone