As I indicated yesterday, I’m putting up here the three emails I sent some of you back during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. At that time my blog was discontinued.

So here goes.

My first rant will deal with the debacle that is the Kavanaugh hearing. It is just plain disgusting. First, the Republicans need to grow a pair, except Flake who is clearly a lame duck anti-Trump eunuch. Dr. Ford’s allegation and testimony are not credible and people need to stop pontificating otherwise. Listen, something may have happened to her between 37 and 35 years ago or she may be a leftist activist. It is clearly possible that she is just being used by Feinstein and her leftist activist attorneys which Feinstein recommended.

Now let’s look at the facts. Ford was fifteen at the time she claims without corroborating proof that she was accosted by Kavanaugh. I lived in the area involved for many years. In fact I lived in a townhouse that backed up to Georgetown Prep for several years. Just as an aside here, much has been made of Kavanaugh’s privileged upbringing. However, Dr. Ford was every bit as much privileged as he was. She attended an elite girls high school, Hilton Arms I believe and according to their yearbooks they were every bit as much drunken and sexually promiscuous as their male counterparts. Her parents put her through elite universities. So we are talking about equally privileged kids.

Now let’s look at the facts or lack there of. She claims she spent the day in question swimming and diving at an exclusive country club that was 20 minutes or so by car from wherever the assault was alleged to take place. She couldn’t drive at 15 so someone had to drive her there but she doesn’t know who. She also was apparently still wearing her wet bathing suit with a cover of some type over it to a party. I don’t know anyone, male or female, who at an exclusive country club would get out of the pool and fail to shower and change clothes before going out for the night. It just not believable Next, what was an innocent 15 year old girl doing going to an unsupervised get together with four boys and two girls. Not likely. Also why did she have to go upstairs to go to the bathroom. The neighborhood is very upscale and I’ve personally never lived in a multi-story house that didn’t have a toilet on the first floor and I doubt that any of the privileged class in Chevy Chase or Bethesda have either. Also why was music already playing in the unoccupied upstairs bedroom she was forced into before she got there so that Kavanaugh could turn it up to quiet her yelling. It’s just not believable.

Also she somehow got home, driven no doubt because it would have taken at least an hour or more to walk, but she doesn’t know how or who and incredibly didn’t mention to whoever drove her in her bathing suit that she had been attacked.

Perhaps the most damning thing is that everyone she says was there denies it ever happened including her life long bestest girlfriend who says she never was there and never knew or met Kavanaugh. But to me, the thing that is most amazing is that she snuck out of a house with, by her testimony two rapists, and left her best friend there alone. I know no woman that would do that and certainly would have resulted in questions the next day. Like why did you disappear without a word.

Finally, I am sick and tired of hearing the Dems and their sycophants claim that Kavanaugh must be guilty because he didn’t sit quietly while being defamed and just kissed their collective asses. He did what any real person would do and they should be relieved that it wasn’t me. To start with I would have called out all their bullshit and hypocrisy. First, when Senator Leahy in the original hearing put up his asinine chart to make the point that in 91% of 5-4 Supreme Court decisions that were supported by several conservative groups that must mean that as he said at some point that must mean bias. I would have said that with all do respect I disagree. Maybe it means that in 91% of those cases the law and the Constitution dictated the outcome. And then I would have said that if I were to agree with your premise doesn’t that necessarily mean that the 4 in the minority were biased against the conservative position. It cuts both ways.

Just a couple more examples. When Feinstein asked Kavanaugh would you support a delay for an FBI investigation, I would have said I’m sorry Senator, but I find your question extremely disingenuous. You had this allegation in July and you didn’t raise it or forward it to the FBI so it’s clear you don’t care about anything other than delay. And most egregiously, I would have ripped Senator Blumenthal from Connecticut a new one when he brought up his latin phrase meaning that if you lie in one thing you must be considered to be lying in all things. I would have said that so if someone lied about serving with valor in Vietnam that means that nothing they have said subsequently should be believed.

Last week I indicated that Dr. Ford was not credible but was maybe a victim of something in her past and while the Republicans can’t say anything other than that, I can. Over the past week it has become apparent that her whole story is a fabrication. Let me lay it out for you point by point.

First, the whole nonsense that she wanted to remain anonymous and just provide some info is totally bogus. Who with any brains at all could seriously believe that they could provide political dynamite to desperate Dems and have it used while she remained anonymous. Only a total moron and she has a PhD, although in today’s higher education, particularly given her major the two are not mutually exclusive.

Second, it has been reported that four months before she contacted the WAPO or her congressional rep, she erased her entire social media footprint and all information about her from the web. This is what in another context would be called malice aforethought. She knew what was going down and wanted to eliminate all her pro Dem anti-Trump tweets etc.

Third, it was reported this week that either she or her Dem activist attorneys were in contact and coordinating with Feinstein and Hirono. Not exactly what one would expect from an innocent victim who wished to remain anonymous. And lest you forget, Feinstein, inappropriately, is the one who hooked her up with her far left activist attorneys.

Fourth, she was every as much a privileged white person as Kavanaugh. They were both born with silver spoons up their respective asses. This is no Pretty in Pink or Pretty Woman or even Trump-Stormy saga. These were “elites” on equal footing.

Fifth, let’s look at the numerous provable lies she told. We all know that she lied through her teeth about being afraid to fly. In her Senate testimony she admitted that she frequently flew all over the world for work and pleasure. And her boyfriend of several years indicated under oath that she flew frequently without fear.

He also said under oath that they lived together in a 500 sqft apartment with only one door and she had no problems with that, even though she testified to some nonsense under oath before the Senate about one reason she and her husband were in counseling in 2012 was because she was insisting on two front doors because of her fear of being trapped in tight spaces after the alleged Kavanaugh incident, and he didn’t want them.

Unfortunately for her, conservative journalists have done the research. In 2008, real estate records in California indicate that that is when they applied for and got the permit and in fact the remodel created a separate apartment or office which wasn’t directly accessible from the main house, thus necessitating the need for a second front door. So she still only had one front door. (Just as an afterthought, are there multimillion dollar homes in Palo Alto that don’t have back doors. How the hell do you get to your backyard!)

Next, her ex-boyfriend also said under oath that he watched her coach her friend Monica McLean on how to take a polygraph exam. She told the Senate that she never coached or counseled anyone at anytime on polygraph issues. Her friend who became an FBI agent after passing the polygraph and eventually retired from the FBI has denied that Ford helped her but she didn’t deny it under oath. And we now know that McLean pressured Leland Keyser to change her testimony to say that she was there and it was Kavanaugh. Fortunately Keyser refused to lie about being there or ever meeting Kavanaugh but did offer that she believed Ford. These things are mutually exclusive. And who is surprised that an FBI agent would try to sabotage Trump.

I could go on and on about other lies but I suspect that I have already exceeded the attention span of most of you. Let me close by saying that Dr. Ford is anything but a victim who should be coddled and revered. She is a Dem operative who tried to destroy a man’s life because he was a vote to return to the Supreme Court to following the Constitution as written. If you think times have changed, then amend the Constitution don’t just make shit up. The Dems know that they can’t sell their socialist bullshit and can’t get it passed even through Democratic congresses. Their only hope is to have the RBG’s of the world make up rights which couldn’t be farther from the intentions of the founding fathers. Times change and constitutional changes are needed from time to time, as was the case with slavery which resulted in the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments.

As a follow up to yesterday’s rant, let me be the first to say that contrary to all the bs from the left on impeaching Kavanaugh not only will it never happen but the Dems won’t even try. It is a scam to try to get out the vote and gain back the House.

To understand my position you have to understand that not only was Ford’s allegation held to the last possible minute for purpose of delay but as no one else seems to have noticed, it was deliberately held as long as possible to prevent anyone from investigating her claim. Her letter was not shared until after the original hearing was over. The notes from her shrink still haven’t been released although she gave some of them to WAPO. Nothing to do with her polygraph has really been released. The two front doors nonsense wasn’t even in the letter it was raised in the hearing so it couldn’t be checked out.

Between now and a potentially Democratic House is several months and add a few more before they would engage in any kind of hearing on potential impeachment. In the little time that was given, it’s already been determined that she was a frequent flyer and that her two front doors nonsense was a bald faced lie. How long before someone pulls the plans and finds out not only does she have a back door but most likely a door into the garage, thus proving that she lied about something that is contemporary not blurred by over three decades. According to Da Nang Dick that means everything she says must be a lie.

Ask yourself this, how much more info is out there that will be discovered and put the lie to this sham between now and then. How much of her attempted erasing her social media will be recovered from third parties. How many of the contacts between Ford and her Dem handlers or between Ford and McLean will come out. It has been reported that Ford was staying at McLean’s house in Rehoboth Beach when her letter was written and McLean may have written it for her because the letter purportedly refers to Leland Keyser as a he, a mistake that Ford is unlikely to have made. This would make sense since the letter was written very carefully to make an allegation while being so vague as to preclude anyone from proving it false.

Ford knows her scared, innocent, ingenue act won’t play again, and she knows the Republicans aren’t going to be playing nice once the truth comes out. Ford and her Dem handlers will never have her testify again because she will be totally exposed for committing perjury. Never going to happen. The Dems are just duping their gullible followers to try to turn out the vote.