Monthly Archives: June 2019


I don’t know if you saw it but AOC was crying in a white pantsuit over the terribly horrible treatment of children she was witnessing at the border. Turns out it was all fake news, like most of her nonsense. Photos show what she was actually viewing and crying about was a virtually empty parking lot with one SUV and a tree. There were no wannabe illegals much less children being abused. Even many of her supporters called her out for the obviously staged photo op. She’s just another socialist gas bag without a clue and no moral compass.


They are still awesome and I still support them 100%, but at the time of my last posting on this subject, I didn’t know about Megan Rapinoe taking a knee. It’s one thing for a member of a football team to take a knee, but it is an entirely different matter when you are representing the USA — it says so right on their jerseys — and you decide to use your position to protest against the very country you are representing. If you don’t support your country, then don’t play on a team representing what you oppose.

To make matters worse, Megan who is openly gay made some vague reference to LBGT rights, but when pressed at news conference on just what she was protesting, she had no answer. If you don’t know what you are protesting, then you are just a media junky trying to make yourself important.


I know that contrary to my previous position that Mueller is scheduled to testify on July 17th. But I stand by my position. I believe that even the brain dead Dems like Nadler and Schiff will eventually realize that they have way more to lose than they can possibly gain. Republicans are chomping at the bit to cross examine Mueller and Mueller can’t tell Dems anything that’s not in his report. The Dems have nothing to gain and everything to lose. I still believe that Mueller will not testify and if I’m wrong the idiots on the left will rue the day.


The US Women’s soccer team beat Spain 2-1 today. I was playing golf and and so just caught the end of the game. This team is awesome. In their first three games in the World Cup they won 13-0, 3-0 and 2-1. That’s a combined 18-1. Truly awesome. Their next game is against France on Friday. Here’s hoping that France continues the history of their country and surrenders early. USA!


The left’s go to talking point whenever they are advocating open borders and the abolishment of our sovereignty is that we are a nation of immigrants. It’s a stupid point. People virtually every country with the possible exceptions of Japan and China are nations of immigrants. Central and South America is not made up of Aztecs and Incas and Mayans. They were replaced by Spanish and Portuguese “immigrants”. So we should be able to just move into and take over all those countries. Ditto for Canada!

Virtually all of Europe is occupied by one tribe or another who conquered other tribes be it the Vandals or the Visigoths or the Tartars or the Anglo Saxons or the Vikings or the Mongols etc.

My point is very simple and straight forward. This nation of immigrants nonsense is just that — nonsense, and should be called out by conservative media for the canard that it is.

There is absolutely no reason to surrender our sovereignty because we, like virtually every other nation, are in the most ‘politically correct’ sense a nation of immigrants!


When Trump said he would listen to oppo dirt from Norway about whoever is the Dems nominee, the MSM and Dems were apoplectic. They screamed that what Trump said would be a felony if he actually did it. Never mind that Hillary Clinton actually did just that and so did Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy. The most bizarre defense of Hillary that I’ve seen is that it’s not a violation if you pay for it only if it’s given to you. That’s absurd on it’s face.

Now most importantly, there is no law that says so. The statute that they all talk about prohibits taking something of value from a foreign source during an election. Information has never been deemed to fall under that rubric. Indeed the law would be an unconstitutional infringement of freedom of speech. The government cannot prohibit you from talking to anyone. This is the important thing to remember.

Second thing to consider is that a woman on the Federal Elections Commission said the law is clear and Trump would commit a felony if he listened to dirt on an opponent from a foreign governmental source. I call bullshit. The woman who made that statement came from Perkins Coie, the firm that Hillary and the DNC funneled money through to Fusion GPS who then funneled it to Christopher Steele to pay for Russian lies. You do the math and consider her credibility.


Just a quickie. I watched the Trump declaration for President tonight and there is no one on the left that can come close to the electricity of a Trump rally. He’s unprecedented as a politician in his ability to draw and excite an enormous crowd. However, that’s not the point of this rant. I just watched Sean Spicer on Hannity say that it was great that the other cable networks had to carry the Trump speech. That was wrong. I switched to CNN and MSNBC several times to see if they were covering it and they weren’t. Not one bit.


Whether or not you like them, tariffs work. Trump proved that last week when he threatened to start escalating tariffs on Mexico. Suddenly when faced with a president that doesn’t make false threats and knowing he would follow through and hurt them in the pocketbook, Mexico blinked and took more action to stem the flow of illegals than has been accomplished in decades.

Now for a brief history of tariffs and how we got here. I heard Rush say last week that tariffs provided the majority of the federal income prior to the institution of the personal income tax. Makes sense. Now how did we get to the present tariff argument? After WWII, the US was the only real superpower left in the world. Japan and China and Europe were devastated and so we helped rebuild Europe and Japan and provided the military power to protect them — essentially for free. Without the need to protect themselves, they repaid us by keeping US companies from competing effectively in their markets while simultaneously using government subsidies, currency manipulation and tariffs to provide constantly growing trade imbalances. First Japan and then Europe and Canada and Mexico took advantage of our generosity to disadvantage us in trade, and then Slick Willy Clinton brought China into the WTO, and the rest is history. Our manufacturing jobs went overseas and the rust belt resulted. All the neocons and globalists swooned over free trade suggesting that free trade provides the the best deal for consumers are totally full of horse excrement.

Now what we have now is not free trade. It is unfree trade. When we want to sell a car in Japan, China, Europe or Mexico we have to pay a 25% tariff but when they sell a car here they pay a 5% tariff. And Canada charges something like a 250% on dairy products from Wisconsin to protect their dairy industry. People that’s not free trade much less fair trade. The problem is that before Trump the swamp elitist ruling class on both sides of the aisle profited greatly from the status quo and didn’t care about you and me. Trump wants fair trade and a level playing field and the only way to do that, given the swamp, is by using tariffs to get people to the table to negotiate new trade deals that protect us and our industries. I hope he continues until we get that level playing field. On a level playing field no one can compete with us.


I have been meaning to write this for a couple weeks, but being lazy I haven’t got around to it. You will recall that I previously postulated about why the Mueller team did a few things — namely a real AG was appointed. Since then Bill Barr gave an extensive interview to CBS in which he confirmed, although no one has really picked up on it, that he is responsible for Mueller backing off. He stated that the view of obstruction law set forth in the Mueller report is not the view of the DOJ. Therefore, if Mueller had tried to use their version to try for an indictment, Barr would have shot it down and part 2 would have been gutted. Mueller knew he couldn’t get his impeachment dossier out unless he refused to do his job and make a decision on obstruction because he would have been overruled by Barr.

Interestingly, Barr said he thought that the bogus obstruction standard laid out in the Mueller report was likely only the opinion of one or two people. No doubt he was referring to Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s pit bull. Weissmann is known for his sleazy tactics, including withholding exculpatory evidence, creating new unknown crimes and creatively making up obstruction law. Read Sidney Powell’s: License to Lie, and you will learn all you need to know about Weissmann. It is incredible to me that he hasn’t been disbarred, and more importantly, the fact that Mueller hired him tells you all you need to know about the objectivity of the “investigation”.

Now what I’d really like you to do is to imagine how different things would be if Trump had picked Barr instead of Sessions. None of the crap that went on for the past two and one half years would have gone on. And there is a good chance that the Republicans would still control the House. While being an outsider has much to recommend it, particularly if you have accomplished much in the real world, it unfortunately doesn’t prepare you to initially pick the right folks for your cabinet — Rex Tillerson being a great example of a lousy choice. Trump is a quick learner and hopefully he can go forward without backstabbing from within. It already cost him half his first term.


Just to remind you that this blog is not just about politics, but will also contain commentary and humor from time to time. For example, did you hear the one about Hillary Clinton giving the keynote address at a conference on cyber security? Unfortunately that’s not a joke. The woman with the bathtub server containing Top Secret information that was undoubtedly hacked by Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and most likely Australia, U.K., France, Italy and any reasonably competent teenage hacker in his parents basement will be speaking on cyber security. Maybe this is a manifestation of one of my favorite sayings: No one is completely worthless, they can always serve as a bad example!

Now for the real reason for this rant — cooking competition shows. I enjoy and watch a lot of shows on the Food Network and the Cooking Channel. I particularly enjoy Iron Chef America, Beat Bobby Flay, Chopped and Guy’s Grocery Games. I learn a lot of things and pick up a lot of good tips. My problem is with the subjectivity of the judging. Frequently you will hear judges saying that something needs salt or something is too salty, while another judge will say the salt level is perfect. Similarly one judge will say something needs more heat while another says it’s too hot. (More on that in a moment.)

Also there seems to be an assumption that beef or lamb can only be medium rare to be cooked properly and anything else is considered to be improperly cooked. I personally like my steak medium rare to medium, but I know people who like to just pass it over the flames for really rare and have an ex who wanted it well done.

To get back to the spice level discussion, one of my twin sons has some interesting pepper plants. He has jalapeños and the ghost pepper, the Carolina reeper and one that is hotter than that. Just so you know, jalapeños rate between 4000 and 6000 on the Scoville heat scale. The ghost pepper comes in at 1 million on the scale. The Carolina reaper rates 2.2 million on that scale and the other one comes in at 2.3 million. The reason I am talking about this is that recently I saw an episode of Guy’ Grocery Games where the theme was spicy and they had to use the Carolina reeper. The first judge took one small bite of the dish and immediately ran over to a tub of milk with a straw and started sucking down as much as he could. The next judge thought it wasn’t too hot.

My point is that the judging is way too subjective. I understand that this dish doesn’t taste good or the dish didn’t come together, but individual preferences for salt or spice shouldn’t control. I personally think Alex Guarnascelli must have high blood pressure because almost nothing has enough salt for her.

If I was ever on one of these shows, I would go up to the judges station and put salt, pepper and hot sauce so they could adjust to their individual preference. People, there’s a reason that when you go to a restaurant that salt and pepper and maybe hot sauce or steak sauce is on the table because different people have different preferences. There’s a reason you’re asked how you would like your steak or burger cooked.