Now I know you have all seen the video of Vance taking down Martha Raddatz where he destroyed her. So what’s the point of this rant? The left always says that a Republican mayor or governor says that it’s not true that what Trump claims is right. Like in Springfield Ohio where Trump and Vance reported that Haitian illegals were eating pets and ducks. The Republican mayor and the Republican governor were financially benefiting from the illegal immigration. The mayor bought up apartment buildings and raised the rent to force out residents and then rented them to illegals who the federal government was paying for. I don’t recall now how the governor was also benefiting but he was.

Or in Aurora Colorado where gangs took over apartment complexes and the mayor said it was just a minor problem that was taken care of. It was not.

People please understand that these politicians, be they republicans or Democrats, are only trying to cover their own asses. What Politician is going to admit that he’s lost control of his city? None! Take what they say with a grain of salt. They will never admit their failures. And ignore the presstitutes spin.


I heard a couple things that you should know if you didn’t see them. First when she was in North Carolina for a photo op with the national guard pretending to care about the victims of Helene, the shots were taken in front of a fully loaded plane with needed supplies. What you probably don’t know is that the national guard aided by our corrupt governor loaded that plane just for the photo op. After it was unloaded and never delivered anything to the communities in need.

The second thing that I heard at the end of Ingraham is that a performance appraisal from when she was a deputy DA in San Francisco was found and on a rating scale of one to five she got two 2’s and one 3. And it covered things like timeliness and preparedness and basically everything thing necessary to be a competent prosecutor. As I have been saying now for years, she is literally an idiot who has spectacularly failed upward her entire career. You decide why.


I am with Tyrus. This election is not close and the only hope for the Dems is massive cheating which I don’t think will be allowed this time. I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone who has seen and heard SK could possibly vote to put a moron in the White House — no matter how much Trump’s comments and mean tweets offend your delicate sensibilities. You’re voting against your own self interests.

Watching SK try to respond to a question without a teleprompter is like watching a 5th grader responding to a question about how to solve a differential equation. And as an aside, I know of only maybe three people who read my nonsense plus me who would even understand the question and I know of only one who might be able to answer it and that’s because she has a somewhat similar background to me and is considerably younger. Hell I aced that course over 50 years ago and couldn’t answer it right now. If you gave me a day to as we say in litigation, refresh my recollection, I could probably do a credible job.

So what’s the point? SK is a 5th grader who is being asked easy 2nd grade questions and still can’t answer them. She wouldn’t make it past the first round on ‘Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader’. She is a complete idiot and I just don’t understand how anyone who isn’t dumber than her could vote for her and that’s a pretty small group.


You have probably all seen the excerpts of SK’s 60 Minutes interview but in case you missed it. Enjoy. Hannity pulled all the best parts together. Pay close attention to the first one because you can clearly see just how dumbfounded she is when she gets asked follow up questions. She has zero ability to think on her feet.



Last night I postulated that Magoo was involved in temporarily ending the strike because its continuation could result in a loss in November. Today the article cited below came out stated that Magoo pressured the management organization to cave to the union to end it.

So I guess I made a lucky guess based on past events and intuition. it doesn’t say that the reason was because it was hurting SK’s chances in November but it is interesting that Magoo didn’t pressure the ILA to soften its demands. Magoo wants to end the strike but not lose his union creds.



Today the strike was called off until January 15th, after the election. My take and I haven’t seen this anywhere but it’s pretty obvious is that after Magoo and SK came out in favor of the union, it turned out that they were going to be blamed for all the problems that would occur. Magoo refused to invoke Taft-Hartley because he wanted to support unions.

However when it became apparent that their stance would cost them way more votes than they would gain, suddenly, miraculously the issue got put off until after the election. They have no moral compass. Just what helps them keep power.


I just remembered a fact I wanted Vance to bring up when Walz bragged about record oil and gas production in Minnesota. No one has mentioned it so I will. The present oil and gas production in Minnesota is not because of Magoo and SK but in spite of them. It takes several years to develop and produce oil and gas. It doesn’t happen overnight. Today’s production is because of Trump’s policies not Magoo’s. And I know Vance knows it and should have brought it up.


One thing Vance should have done was call out the nonsense of the supposed bipartisan border bill. It would enshrine the present influx of illegals and give the president the right to allow even more and do nothing to improve the border. What he could have also pointed out that the supposed bipartisan bill got no republican support in the House and failed initially in the Senate and when it came up for a second vote failed even worse with many Democrats voting against it. And none of them ever bring up HR 2 which is a real border bill which Schumer has refused to bring to the floor.

And he should have pointed out, that the Iran agreement, which even Obama admitted, allowed Iran to build the nuclear bomb.


First I think it was obvious from the start that it was three against one and it didn’t phase Vance. I think that Walz did better than expected and was better than SK in that he at least tried to answer follow up questions. He lied continuously and used a lot of his time claiming that Minnesota was the top in country on all kinds of things like healthcare and childcare etc and I expect that he will be fact checked tomorrow and found wanting.

Observation, I noticed that Walz was continuously scribbling notes and Vance seldom did because he is clearly intellectually superior.

Vance won but missed several opportunities to score more points. (Again this is off the top of my head so I will probably miss a few things I wanted to say and maybe I will remember them tomorrow.) These are in no particular order but Vance held his feet to the fire on killing of babies who survived abortions and then were left to die. There are on average six such cases each year in Minnesota under Walz. Putting actual numbers in front of America would have been more effective and painted Walz in a corner.

I did enjoy Vance frequently stealing SK’s thunder by pointing out his middle class background, although I would argue that he actually started out in the lower class and rose above it.

He should have called out Walz for saying that the problem is guns not the people using them. Guns don’t pull their own triggers, Alex Baldwin to the contrary notwithstanding.

I understand that Walz is not a lawyer but Vance went to Yale Law School and should have known that the ‘you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater’ case has long been overturned. It was Walz basis for questioning the first amendment and Vance should have called him on it.

When Walz talked about apparently Trump trying to put his opposition in jail, I expected Vance to point out that that is exactly what they are trying to do to Trump.

I was surprised that when Walz kept talking about J6 and violence and destruction, Vance did not once mention that he let Minneapolis burn to the ground. He could have thrown it in when Walz was talking about how great housing was in his state. Really?

I was very disappointed that Vance didn’t challenge the Project 2025 nonsense.

I was also disappointed that he didn’t challenge Walz on his nonsense about Trump mishandling Covid. They say it all the time and no one ever asks them to explain how? And he had the golden opportunity to ask Walz who it was that unconstitutionally shut down Minnesotan businesses and schools? And set up a snitch line?

I wish that he had challenged Walz on the court cases dismissing Trump’s challenges to the election. All or almost all those cases were never adjudicated on the merits. They were tossed out on standing or laches. Vance could have pointed out that at least two state supreme courts have ruled that the 2020 election was unconstitutional in their state.

He could have used Walz lying about his Hong Kong lie to bring up his false military claims.

I’m sure there’s more but that’s all I can remember for now.

I can’t wait to see how the presstitutes spin it. Even HFJ said Walz got slaughtered.


While I do believe that listening to SK is much like listening to Professor Corey, there is one huge difference. He was a comedic intellectual genius who knew exactly what he was saying. She’s a complete moron who doesn’t even know what the hell she is saying.

Late last night instead of listening to music on YouTube, I watched old videos of Corey on Mike Douglas and Merv Griffin and laughed my ass off. I would highly recommend it.